…And finally… it’s the long awaited weekend… when people attempt to meet their social obligations, try to restructure their dwindling lives and get together with friends and family (who might have even forgotten the very existence of the individual). How could I even contemplate to throw away such a privileged opportunity, after every single minute I had spent in the office the whole week working my ass off? Times like this I prefer to put a reverse gear to my life and wrooooomm away from the regular routine stuff, doing nothing. It was an unusually unusual day, the cool gusts, the drizzle and a pleasing weather (which we usually don’t get to relish coz of the “non-natural environs” fashioned for us). While grabbing the newspaper as I adored the exquisiteness of Mother Nature I glanced at the paper a title that captured my attention read … “SCRIPT ki DEMAND hai…”!!! Quite captivated by the title, I began reading it and no sooner did I complete it, I was lost in analyzing the implication of the article in real life and I could relate a lot of instances from the daily encounters where we do or say something or act in a way that substantiates the point ki bhai “…Script hi ki Demand hai...!!”
But before I plunge into my theory, let’s explore the article that provided me the food for thought and may be another article to bore you (hope not ;) :P). So, the article, as I remember it, was an interview of some new comer of the B-town about the likes, dislikes, personal life, professional life, future plans and what not..!! One of the questions was about her comfortableness in doing obscene scenes on screen? To this the much anticipated and diplomatic reply was “…Sab Script ki demand hai…” which I think probably implied “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you”.
Now brooding upon these kinds of responses, which have now become the signature justification of one and all, what do we need to believe? Do we really need to consider these as really sincere and genuine arguments or just some lame disguise for some shrewd and scheming people? This also means that we need to take a stand when it comes to deciding whether the elder generation, their talents, genuine ability and their know-how of the SCRIPT and its DEMAND before offeringanalogous themes to the viewers in a way which would not arouse lust, on the contrary, convey these emotions in a gratifying way,should be an archetypal OR is it that the current generation, that sees this as a business where only cheap marketing strategies and lustful and uncouth exhibition of the subject matter will pave the path for the future to come? But say, even if we try and take a stand on this is there really something that we can do about it? This totally depends upon the individual now. But I think what most peoplemight do is to accept the fact ki boss “…Sab Script ki Demand hai…”.
Now if you are still with me, firstly let me thank you for the patience with which you have endured me and my thoughts. And allow me to showcase to you a few episodes which might have happened to us at one time or the other when we sought to act differently but would have acted otherwise.
Scenario 1:
Professionally, of all the orders thatare dispensed to us might be unrelated to the deliverables or the people whom we happen to meet, no matter how much irritating and boring and FALTU they might be and above all these might be even completely irrelevant to the maturation of the organization or the product or the individual, but still we agree to handle all this (having known that it is an utter waste of the energy of all forms). Now the basic question arises, WHY? I will get back to answer this question at the end. But let’s see another scenario.
Scenario 2:
In personal lives, we have so many such scenarios look at the following for example:
1. A person you know from some family relations, who is always keeps intruding in your personal concerns, but you can’t say or do anything (assuming you might have the urge to kick his ass if u get a chance) coz of the family relations.
2. One of your casual friend whom you don’t like too much, but who is an integral part of your friend circle, but mostly (I am not saying always and everyone) tolerates him and his nuisance considering other friends.
3. Worst case scenario is when parents come into picture and ask something of you which you know you are not willing to do, if you had it your way, but in any case you decide to get it done, coz after all they are parents (and definitely they are the most special person in one’s life, again not generalizing it).
And many many more like these. But again the question which has crawled up is the simple and basic… WHY?
Let’s try to understand it by means of the SCRIPT philosophy (Of course it’s a tailored philosophy in an effort to explain the WHY, and let’s assume it exists). The SCRIPT philosophy tells us that for any status quo there is a SCRIPT (SCRIPT meaning: A written version of a play or other dramatic composition; used in preparing for a performance), and it interestingly varies with the development in the play (referring to the situation here). And every time we face a new situation the script changes and so does the demand. Let’s see it through an example. Consider a boss who does all sorts of nuisance in the office say he is ill-mannered, unhygienic, not helpful or whatever BUT if he is the only one who can make you reach your goals, no matter how bad he is, we will go to him and try to get his help, get our work done and every time we go to him we console ourselves “ki kya kare boss… SCRIPT ki DEMAND hai…”. But once the things turn around and the guy ceases to be important, we might (not all but most of us) not even like to see his face again soothing ourselves telling “ki kya kare boss… SCRIPT ki DEMAND hai…”.And the beauty of the life is that it never stops fabricating new SCRIPTS with new DEMANDS. The more diverse a situation, the more are the demands from the script.
So if you are still with me, at this point in this huge (maybe :P) boring stuff, the only thing that we need to be ask ourselves is,“Do we need to do things in a way we feel fitting, appropriate and righteous OR is that we follow the league of people who always do things as ordered/forced taking the universal elucidation “…ki bhaisaab.. sab SCRIPT ki DEMAND hai…!!!”.
On this note, signing off for now. This is your friend always.